A major national nonprofit that, prior to COVID, organized major community events (like bike rides and 5Ks) needed to transition its online fundraising to instead promote peer-to-peer fundraising focused instead on user-created events. This posed significant challenges both technically and from a communications/nomenclature standpoint, as the platform the client was using had limited capabilities for user-created events.
I worked with the team to conceive of a new organization and language around the different types of fundraising to simplify things down to two calls to action: donate and start a fundraiser. “Start a fundraiser” was then subdivided into “personal” and “group” fundraisers, deviating significantly from the language and user journey the p2p fundraising tool assumed. Officially-sanctioned events run by the organization were then retooled to be presented in the same format as the user-created “group fundraisers” to help simplify the user experience.
I also prepared a single design to help illustrate how the client’s existing web design system could be applied to this new fundraising section: